I remember when my husband took our son for shots. I'am not good at seeing my kids in pain of any kind so usually dad is the one holding that down. God Bless Him! (-: Now I come from both African and European descent, and I had the distinct opportunity to experience both discipline styles under one roof!LOL!! My mom used a wooden spoon on us when we were younger and whatever was close by as we got older!LOL!! So when my son was younger we used a wooden spoon to remove the folly. While at the Dr.s office once my husband had the spoon with him. In walks the Dr. and he looks at the wooden spoon and asks my husband does he use that on our son. My husband told him, "of course!" The Dr. then decided to go on and on about how barbaric it is to use such methods, and that spanking is a thing of the past. My husband very calmly asks the Dr. a question. He asks him, "Did your parents spank you?" Sheepishly the Dr. replied, "yes." My husband then comments to him, "And look how well you turned out!" End of conversation. Society will always try to find ways to undermine God's Word, that's why it's important to KNOW God's Word. Now when my kids were little we talked, reasoned, and disciplined them with the spoon and guess what when they got older all we had to do was talk to them or apply another form of discipline like taking away things for a time etc.... Nobody knows kids like God and He knows what works! Be not conformed to this world saints and don't be guilt tripped by this world either, but be and continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds in God's Word, it works!!!
Children Are Arrows Psalm 127:4
Prayer for Everyone
God Bless You