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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Character over Appearance

 Teach Your Daughter *

Parents it is highly vital that you tell your daughter how beautiful she is, so that she want seek outside the family to hear this message.  Even more vital to than praising her appearance, though, is affirming her character.  You should teach your daughter what God values are.  It's the inner heart and character of an individual.

The bible states in Proverbs 31:30,  "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

Remember to compliment your daughter on her inner beauty frequently.  Encourage her to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ by being a character model before her.  Most importantly, pray fervently for your daughter daily.  In today's world the temptations are more overt and bold, satan is out to kill, steal and destroy our families.

Teach your daughter to be prepared!
with Dawn Taylor at

Prayer for Everyone

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