Be careful to obey all these words that I command you, that it may go well with you and with your children after you forever, when you do what is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.
Good morning beautiful readers of Christ.
Allow me to start by saying "To set the example" has become the most important assignment in my life as a single christian mother..
Before I found Christ I believed my example was perfect, I worked, I lived responsibly by paying bills and sharing my kindness with others. As if I didn't realize setting the example meant so much more..
Children are truly our shadows we see this as babes and as they grow into toddlers and adolescents... I could see special similarities through my children growing over the years but the greatest yet was when my children urged me to find us a church that we could find community and family in..
I finally listened and followed the first invite I received to visit a church. Grace Community church (Detroit MI) This was God's perfect plan for He led us to the place where the most important start of a example would be.. Happy to say the day we entered was the the day the Holy Spirit welcomed me and found His way to keep me there..
Day after day week after week I began to grow in God, getting involved with small groups, bible studies, becoming a team player on the H.U.G.S. team serving every service as a Greeter/usher seeing the beautiful faces of the church weekly,even learning favorite outfits of guests :O),to witnessing the days where life had just worked them the week prior, noticing the shy and bold believers.
God using me to embrace each one every Sunday with a smile and a greeting they'd not forget at least until the power of worship and the message was placed past my station.
All of this began setting examples; new examples for me which in time my children began to shadow.
The old layers began peeling away step by step month by month.. The example of loving others before yourself, the example of building a relationship with God by relying on the bible for advice, seeking nurturing, genuine laughter, compassion for my sadness, finding cures for illness and heartaches.. Building Faith and trust in Gods presence through the Holy Spirit He had blessed us with. It was just an example of just some religion..
As being a Christian for me has become the greatest GIFT/ BLESSING God could have handed me to example to my children.. The examples that have been set for my children are everlasting. The sweetest sound to hear them say God bless you and not even have to sneeze for it, or to see them write songs about Jesus or draw beautiful letters with pictures to God in their mist of playtime.To hear them pray to their heavenly father with trust and confidence and love.
The examples we set for our children sets the stage for God to be Glorified. Setting the stage for the Powerful Jehovah to open Heavens Flood Gates and allow it to reign down upon us and our children as we Praise His Holy Name in Jesus..He has so sweetly proven to be "ABBA" God the Father of all creations..
How pleasing to God to see His youth growing in discernment and repentance. Feeling His Grace and finding the true meaning of thanksgiving.. As parents always remember it is what we say and do that our children follow whether it be now or then, they will indeed become your shadow... As for myself being a child was the worst time in my life but I believe it was all set for me to change the curse that was set as the examples from my forefather and beyond. Christian to Christian I ask you to get involved with church take advantage of your brothers and sisters in Christ, Take pleasure in fellowship and community. Seek out the ones who seem shy and set in their ways.. Seek friendships and bond the way God had intended for these example will shade over to your children, These examples will allow them to grow in Christ not at Christ... They will grow right into the arms of our Heavenly Father....
God has used me to make a difference in where my family tree was headed.
As an adult I found Christ standing right there waiting for me to hear His call.. Growing up with for me personally was just learning to live with the only goal being to survive. I closed my ears and eyes to every thought of a better life, what saved me was my heart, it was filled with love even through the ignorance, I had a love and a forgiveness in me only God could have placed inside my soul.. 33 years to finally hear from this heart by example, my daughters examples. I as a single mother dealt with hardships but the only request my daughters every made clear tome was "Mom when can we go to church?" After 10 years I finally saw who was setting the example all that time it surely was not me.. For once I fell humbly and saw that the stage was being set by my 10&7 yr old daughters. This was the greatest example which began a new life of continual examples of unconditional love, patience, conscience, love, serenity, trust, respect, cleanliness, forgiveness, kindness, joyful living...
I am thankful for this opportunity it was the most powerful example known to me gifted to me by the mouths He knew I would eventually hear and surrender to...
Amazing is He and the blessings of Christ and His presence...
love your children'
Set the example,
Gob Bless
Ephesians 6:1
Children, obey your
parents in the Lord: for this is right. †
We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ
Children, obey your
parents in the Lord: for this is right. †
We Are Passionate Sisters in Christ